May 05, 2022
Liquid Iodine Supplements for Women's Health
Iodine is well known for its role in thyroid health, but it has a much wider impact on women's health. Many people aren't aware that female breast tissue contains a higher concentration of iodine than male breast tissue, necessitating more of this mineral. Although the full extent of iodine's significance in women's health has yet to be determined, a growing amount of research is examining how critical this mineral is to women’s health.
Iodine has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, premenstrual breast pain, and mammary dysplasia in studies. In the breasts, iodine appears to have antioxidant capabilities that protect them from cellular harm. Iodine helps to prevent cancer by signaling cancer cells to die (apoptosis). It also protects female reproductive organs like the breast, ovary, and uterus from oestrogen's overstimulating effects.
Iodine also aids normal breast tissue development and protects against the production of aberrant cells. All of this could help to explain why getting enough iodine in your diet is linked to a lower risk of breast cancer. Furthermore, iodine has been linked to protection against fibrocystic breasts, a condition marked by lumpiness in one or both breasts. Supplementing with iodine has been demonstrated to help alleviate this illness.
Oestrogen dominating diseases such breast cysts, ovarian cysts, and fibroids are caused by iodine deficiency. Iodine supplementation, such as iodine liquid mineral supplements, is one of the most effective ways to help reduce discomfort in the breasts while simultaneously protecting them against cancer.
For more information about liquid mineral supplements, visit us online.